The 3 Greatest Human TEASERS, DESIRES & GOALS and how understanding them will help your business.

As humans we are invariable creatures of habit.  Understanding what drives people can be fundamental in terms of generating  revenue, building relationships or simply having better social interactions.

On the web or in email, or more particularly within social media the desire to scan or browse, skip information greater. Therefore, in order to capture your users/Fans attention, there are several key things you can do to drastically boost your engagement.

Teasers, Desires & Goals.  These are specific human qualities to which you can manage in order to increase the attention factor when engaging with your audience.

a) The 3 Greatest Human GOALS.

The Three Greatest Human GOALS are to either save or make 1) time, 2) money or 3) energy.  If you can provide your user/client/Fan with something that can help to make more money, save more time, spend less energy and so on, then you will have more success at not only engaging with your audiences, but also retaining your audiences.

b) The 3 Greatest Human DESIRES

The three human desires are 1) greed 2) lust and 3) comfort. If you incorporate any of the three or a combination, you will boost your attention-factor.

Here are some examples:

1) Greed, such as “How to make £1,678 with my new twitter system!”

2) Lust, like “How to loose unwanted pounds!” or “How to make him/her fall in love with you all over again!”.

3) And comfort “How to build a web business in only 7 days!” or like the book “How to win friends and influence people

Please note, that comfort is the opposite of fear. Your goal is to instill fear in the minds of your audience (to an extent) in order to offer them a solution that will comfort them and relieve those fears, such as the fear of loss, the fear of death and so on.)

c) The 3 Greatest Human TEASERS

In addition to the six elements above, try to cater to any of the three “provokers.” In other words, the following three elements should. arouse, mesmerize & hypnotize. Why? Because they cater to fundamental human characteristics.

They are: 1) curiosity, 2) controversy and 3) scarcity. Try to add an element of any of these three and your chances of user and audience engagement will be heightened.

For example, “Learn one of the most closely guarded secrets for tripling website sales!” People are nosey and want to know what the secrets are.

The same rules apply to controversy and scarcity.  If you don’t use these methods you will be missing out on what thousands of other successful people have achieved. (See what I did there!)

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timothy bosworth